Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Parking a Truck in Garage

One day there was this little girl and that little boy at the park withtheir pants pulled down.The little girl asked the little boy "What is that, hanging?"

The little boy said, "I don't know!"

Then the little boy asked the little girl what is that dale?She said she did not know.

so that night the little girl asked her mom andher mom said, "That is your garage don't let any big trucks go in."Then at the little boy's house the little boy asked his dad and his dad said"That is your big truck don't park it in any garage."

The next day the boy and the girl had their pants pulled down again and thegirl went home with blood on her hands. Her mom screamed and asked, "How andWhy?

The girl said, "Nothing to worry Mom. This boy tried to put his big truckin my garage and since you forbade me, I pulled his two back tires off beforeit goes into my garage."

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